Next I mixed 2 eggs, some mayo (about 3-4 tbls), and some honey. I added this mixture to my hair, put a plastic bag on and let it sit for a couple of hours. After rinsing, my hair was shiny, so clean, and fresh feeling. It felt light and bouncy. I put some more VO5 conditioner in, let it sit, rinsed, added some leave in, and my glycerin mix. I hadn't shampooed my hair in about a month, so this treatment was also clarifying.
I didn't know what to do with my hair so I baggied it with the glycerin mix in because I didn't want to wet it again. The egg mixture served as my DC so the VO5 condish and glycerin was just added moisture. The next day I decided to put my hair in small cornrows. I braid pretty tightly, a little too tight, I hope I don't experience breakage because of it. I took me 3 days to finish my cornrows (I'm a busy woman). So until I finished I just wore my head wrap.
Here are some pics of me with the cornrows.