After rinsing the deep conditioners, I began to chop. I did add some Cantu Shea butter leave-in, Mixed Silk by silk elements leave-in to help the process along. But mostly I chopped.
Of course after I chopped detangling became easy. That is why I say I was forced to do the big chop. Or forced to make up my mind. I wasn't sure about going natural. Not so soon. It was all contingent on how my hair reacted after the braids. Well I see now. I know where I went wrong, and I have learned a major lesson.

I was tired of the stringy strands. After watching so many you tube vids, I wanted to be natural too. I attempted one time before I even watched vids and the beautician who was straigtening my hair with the pressing comb said, "with all this hair you don't need to go natual." As I walked out of the beauty shop that day and my hair almost immediately shriveled up, I relaxed again.
NOT ANYMORE! I love love love my natural hair, I love the length, I love the ease of style. I love it! Its definitely different, and everyone has to get used to seeing me with hair this short, because it has always been long and thick, but they will be alright.
My aunt and I always kid about the texture of my hair. I showed her naptural 85's channel and she was like, "her hair is naturally curly, your hair will never look like that!" I tried to tell her it wasn't naturally curly! But it is. So is my hair. It's not like mixed naturally curly, but my hair has a natural curl and coil that is all its own! If my hair never looks like Naptural 85's, it will always look the way it was intended to look when it grows out of my head.
And with that Aunt Bebe, I go Back2Front!
i'm in tune with you on cutting your hair while it is short. cut it now.