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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


This first one year anniversary is to celebrate a year since my last relaxer on March 5, 2011.  Wow! That time went by so fast.  In July I will be acknowledging my one year anniversary since my big chop.

In the mean time I have discovered that twisting my hair before a wash doesn't work all that great either.  What I have discovered is:
                                1. Aloe Vera Juice works as a great detangler!  I mean it is super!
                                2. At this in between stage, if I want a neat non-fro look, I am going to have to keep my                                              hair twisted and wear twist outs.  And even with the twist outs I can't wear them "out" too long without retwisting.
                               3. I must maintain moisture and a good regimen.  Out with the shea butters(winter regimen), in with the oil and glycerin.  Since the season is changing and all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My........How you've grown!

 It has been 6 months!

This is just a fro, or shall I say shrinkage after a wash n go

Twist not long enough so I keep them covered.
First real attempt at a twist/twist out

After a twist out, cute huh!

Another twist out!  I'm getting good at this.

Chunky twist out, just kind of threw them in.
I still have to figure out how to push it back and make it lay down

Friday, March 2, 2012

About my Hair............

Since being natural for (after big chop) 6 months now, I have learned a lot about my hair.

1.  The longer it gets, the harder it is to untangle.
                   Problem:  I still haven't found a solution for this problem.  Meaning making it easier to untangle, because my hair will tangle.  I just do not enjoy how long it takes and how harsh it can be.
                    Solution:  I think I need add to my hair care arsenal.

2.  The longer it gets, the more I have to keep it styled.
                    Problem:  I can't wear my fro as much anymore due to the fact that my hair will dry out and tangle up quick.
                   Solution:  I have found that a twist or braid out works best

3. I can't go too long without changing or upgrading whatever "out" style I have.
                    Problem:  If  I leave my hair in an "out" style for more than three days, it may take me three days to untangle (my word check doesn't like detangle, so will properly use untangle this time)
                    Solution:  I must re-twist at night  to avoid tangles.  I also re-dampen with conditioner water mix or glycerin water oil mix.

4. Washing my hair is not as easy as it used to be.
                       Problem:  When my hair was shorter, I could literally just wash and go.  Now, not so much
                        Solution:  Again with the tanlges! If I do not wash my hair in twist, there will be hell to pay!