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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


This first one year anniversary is to celebrate a year since my last relaxer on March 5, 2011.  Wow! That time went by so fast.  In July I will be acknowledging my one year anniversary since my big chop.

In the mean time I have discovered that twisting my hair before a wash doesn't work all that great either.  What I have discovered is:
                                1. Aloe Vera Juice works as a great detangler!  I mean it is super!
                                2. At this in between stage, if I want a neat non-fro look, I am going to have to keep my                                              hair twisted and wear twist outs.  And even with the twist outs I can't wear them "out" too long without retwisting.
                               3. I must maintain moisture and a good regimen.  Out with the shea butters(winter regimen), in with the oil and glycerin.  Since the season is changing and all.


  1. Congrats to making it to a year!! Your hair has grown so much too! I can't wait until I am a year post!
    Keep up the GREAT work, girl!

  2. Thank you Ms. D! I am excited. I keep thinking I might straighten on the one year anni, I could use a cut. I am soooo leery of the heat though.

  3. Hey girl! You won the Tresseme prize from my giveaway. The deadline has passed to claim it, but since I like you..I am giving you until Monday to contact me :-)

    1. OMG!!!!!!! I'm happy I finally looked at me email!!!!!!! I just went back to work and hadn't had a chance to check it. AHHhhhhhhhhh!!! I'm so excited!!!! Okay, hope you get this. How do I claim my prize!!!!
